Jasmin.com and AWEmpire.com

Adult Industry Related discussion, videochat, porn, fan sites, tubes and so on! English language is mandatory! This category is for all people involved in the Adult industry that seek for help, support, feedback or simply wanting to share the beauty of their mind. Models, Studios, Agencies, Cam Sites Representatives, Webmasters, Adult affiliates and so on, all are welcomed to share their thoughts. 🌎🌈😇👍❤️✌️💯
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Membru din: 29 Noi 2013, 01:35
Localitate: Romania
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Regarding the problem with the affiliate liveeros was talking about, i can state that we indeed are having a "fight" with this one blonde princess that feels Jasmin is spinning around her and her team.

Ever since i started and long before with other affiliates Nikki and her troll team caused problems, sending messages on Twitter for the girls not to talk or tweet with us or they will not be promoted by smokeshowcams anymore.

At that time (about 4 months ago) i wrote a few blog posts without naming anyone just explaining why is not good what they are doing, also i notified AWE about the issue. A few days ago i wrote a direct post for Nikki and her team because i was notified that they are making fake twitter accounts for Jasmin models, placing the sdx links on the profiles,eventualy replacing them with smokeshow
Yesterday i was notified about the fact someone is going to top models free chat saying they are Danny SDX and promoting sdxcams.com ...
Their reactions increased right after my last blog posts where i did share my thoughts about this so called "nr 1 performer"

Since i haven`t spam so far, i will not start doing it now ... people from Jasmin that are knowing me can state that i am not the type of person doing this thing, i don`t even have the time to spam rooms...plus it makes me no good promoting on Jasmin since the traffic is already there and it doesn`t help me at all :idea:
Is obvious who is doing it and what they want to achieve.
I just took the right to defend myself when i was atacked, she could be the first lady of USA for all i care i would have still stand up for myself.

Anyway for all of the models reading this:
If you are getting spam messages with the link "sdxcams.com" or "sdxteam.com" in your freechat please be notified that i have nothing to do with it. Please use the spam report and notify Jasmin when you see it, maybe they somehow manage to figure who is doing it and stop the spam.

Ok back to Jasmin and the traffic issues, i have some questions

How does Jasmin define traffic fluctuation?

Here is how i see it. If a model has one day over 40 members and 2k guests and the second day she has 20 members and 1 k, that is what we can call a fluctuation.

Yet, for Jasmin support if a girl that works for the past 3 years and always had traffic is now staying with 30 guests and no members that is still a fluctuation. Let`s agree to disagree, if a girl has a room filled with members and 2000 guests today and she gets no members and 30 guests tomorow, that is a traffic DROP. Which happens so many times lately, and not just with 1-2-3 models, so can you explain the sudden traffic drops ?

And since i am on the subject. We keep hearing Jasmin can`t interfear with the human factor (thats what admins are saying when they want to call a model ugly or unatractive), this is one of the excuses we get when complaining about sudden changes in the members number. Ok, so we are supose to believe somehow 2000 guests are finding the girl attractive while the paying members are on a strike and decided to not enter her room anymore?

Right now i have mixed feelings, i can`t complain about not being promoted by Jasmin. After the teaser videos i see them on TV, i see them placed good on the pages. And then we get this :

3500 guests.... 3 members That`s how her room looked for the last 3 days ( working on a steady 8 hours schedule)

Am i the only one that doesn`t understand how this works? Guests like a performer while paying members don`t?

One thing is obvious is that Jasmin is a work in progress, let`s just hope the final result will be a good one!
SoulCams Models Studios wanted
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Membru din: 05 Feb 2015, 13:19
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A psychiatric evaluation test would come in handy when hiring affiliates. :) I know I am not fully normal myself, but there are others (or there is another) who are way crazier than I am. What a relief that is! :D

Yes, Danny, I was talking about Nikki. Eversince I began working for AWE, I had ongoing attacks from her. Models from twitter were informing me that Nikki is telling them awful things about me. At first, I thought it might be my fault and maybe I did something to upset her. Then, upon speaking to other affiliates, I found out that she does this with them too. Why? Because we exist, that's why. And I have to ask myself: have I done a big mistake in choosing jasmin, when I could have gone with any other chat site and I could have been working in peace? The answer is "no", I am glad I chose jasmin and although I thought about pointing my domains to another site's servers in the past, that thought is way gone and it's not coming back ever again.

The mistake was done by jasmin, because such behaviour has been tolerated for so long, and actions were not taken. Me, as an affiliate I have the right to do my job in normal conditions, and not in a war field. I used to get up at 7-8 in the morning and used to go to bed at 2-3 after midnight. Yes, I was staying at the pc all day long, working at my sites, learning new things and trying to improve myself. That's how much I love this job. I admit I am lazier now, whereas I work from 10 AM to 1 AM,sometimes 2AM. I'm a lazy ass, I know... So don't shove it in my face. :)

So, what I am trying to say is that I think I owned my right (so to speak) to work as a jasmin affiliate. And I know for a fact that Danny and other affiliates work hard too, and the question is why should we put up with this spoiled and fake princess, when all we want to do is work for jasmin? Why should we always be attacked by her and forced to retaliate? Can't she just mind her own performer business? I have been swearing and cursing so much in the last months, and some of those who don't know me, might think I am an uneducated bastard, but the situation is out of control and we are driven to use less polite words.

I say this again: I want to do this in normal working conditions, and I hope it's not that much to ask.

Thanks for taking time to read my post and have a very pleasant day, everyone!
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Membru din: 21 Feb 2015, 10:14
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One more question. Why an erotic picture that was approved in my gallery isnt approved as a profile picture? I must mention that the pictures are professional.
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Membru din: 05 Feb 2015, 13:19
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Upon re-reading my previous comment, I realized that I must apologize for the part where I say that the mistake was done by jasmin. There is something wrong the way I said it. It sounded better in my head when I wrote the comment. But when I am upset, I tend to sound like that. I am sure jasmin knows what mistakes they do and how to correct them, without me saying it like that. Maybe if I formulated differently, It would have sounded as it was supposed to. So, instead of editing my previous comment, I decided to write another one, where I apologize to Mr Laszlo, because I am perfectly capable of admitting when I'm wrong, when I make mistakes. And this is one of those cases. So please accept my sincere apologies for my manifestation! No harm done, I hope. ;)
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Membru din: 21 Feb 2015, 10:14
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Email from jl (a part of it): "We are writing to you regarding your recently reported problem regarding your Erotic profile picture.
We would like to kindly inform you that we have investigated your case and found that your pictures
were not rejected, nor there was a technical issue with your account regarding picture uploading.
Please be kindly advised that our competent department has managed to set an Erotic Profile picture
for you from your Erotic gallery.
You may choose an Erotic Profile picture from your Erotic gallery only, since during the process, only
pictures in your Erotic gallery appear, none from the Glamour gallery."
LOL.. at least they solved the problems even tho i didnt told support about the erotic picture, that i only posted here... if u know what i mean!:)))
Thank you adultvideochat.ro :) and thank you Mr. Laszlo.
Mesaje: 17
Membru din: 02 Feb 2015, 00:48
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Francesca: My understanding of your case was, that you had an image in the Glamorous folder you intended to set as your Erotic image.
Neverthless, i'm glad to see that this problem has gone. :)

DannySDX, liveEROS: Please send me concrete details in e-mail regards of the Affiliate problem, and I will do an indepth check on this.
In regards of the sudden traffic drops you experience with Models, I also need concrete account names and details to be sent. There can be many reasons, but if you ask me I would also cite the "human factor" on the first place. I already mentiond examples coming from Member votes and favorites, just to mention another one: Affiliates can promote specific Models, also Models streams can be posted on popular blogs, that can radically change the traffic. Sometimes it's hard to find the reasons with such a big system as Jasmin's. However once I have the details we can do more than guessing.

As you guys can see, i'm less around the Forum due to constant travelling. I will try to look back from time to time, but you have my e-mail address and don't hesitate to message me at anytime! :) Also now we have couple of things to work on...
Mesaje: 21
Membru din: 02 Dec 2013, 01:28
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Mr LaszloCzero what happens to this site (jasmin.com) ? You want to invest in equipment,photo,decor etc..and you what offer?only low traffic!!promoted only girls who are in top 5 and it is not correct!!many girls leave the site and others follow....
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Membru din: 14 Mai 2014, 02:44
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Thank you for making my decision to leave this site after struggling for more than one year while every single time i had my pictures rejected even if they are good ones but site find ridiculous reasons to reject every single one . I wasted my time trying to do something on a site that lacks a real support and with worse behaviour on guests or members . Was amased to find out i wasnt promotes due to reason i am not staying online at least 10 hours a day every single day as i was told by support. Looks like livejasmin interested only on slave models type . I refuse to photoshop my pictures for reason that i am proud of my appearance natural . I am fluent in 3 languages and i do very variate shows pleasing many respectful members on other site . Why would i bother with livejasmin anymore that ask ridiculous things from me and keep making my broadcast time a pain . Good luck with bunch of yhose models that look as retarded and keep flashing in free chat or even offer free shows and nasty look . I always been classy model but maybe not good enough among so mamy desperate models that are online half of the day every single day moving as desperate monkey revealing all for free . I said my point and once again thank you for helping me choosing best decision . Goodbye .
This was my reply to support messages after i had every single picture rejected from my profile for most hilarious reasons .
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Membru din: 30 Ian 2015, 07:15
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I have been contacted by one of the admins, today. He takes me into private to change my camera settings into better ones, as he said, because in his opinion, my camera image was a bit too dark and foggy. Well, after he changed that, I looked like a carrot, so orange that I started to laugh and I said that, looking that way, I won`t get any privates anymore, the members will run away. Then, he makes them look a little bit better, but still, the color of my skin on the image was far from a natural skin color. But he sustained that I was looking very good.:) That was not nice at all, he taking up my time for like 30-40 minutes, to change my settings into worse ones. And after he was done, told me that from now on, I am not allowed to use the zoom in freechat anymore (only in Private is allowed), because the image can get pixelated or blurry. I was actually used to zoom sometimes on the upper part of my body, and the members liked that. It even happened to me recently , that a member send me surprises in freechat, and asked me to zoom only on face.
The admin said that if I will use the zoom in freechat, I will get Bad rating. I would like to ask, has anyone experienced the same situation? In my opinion, that should be a free decision. In fact, I have no problem with not using it at all, but I have a problem with getting Bad rating because of it, since I might forget the zoom on after the private is done and I go back to the freechat area.
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Membru din: 22 Sep 2012, 19:21
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hello Mr Lazlo Czero. i am model on jasmin.com for more than 3 years. what can i say? i am very dissapointed of jasmin and support team.
1-my traffic dissapeard suddenly,for 1 week i dont have any traffic in my room, i stay in free chat hours and hours,with 10 or 20 guests,and 2 maximum 5 members. in those 3 years,didnt been sittuation like this..i have had good traffic, 2000-3000 guests, 20-30 members...at any hour, didnt matter if was day or night...
2-team support(admins) mock us,and are not helpfull,they repeat 3 or 4 times in 10 minuts they are there to help us, but after a conversation, we go on our room without a specific answer..we are more confused :) and our brains remember only (we are here to help you) or thank you for your kind patience..hehe...
3-selection badge. where is the rule which say, we must make 500$ per period to can have the selection badge? i didnt find that rule, and after 2 weeks where i been in hospital because have had some health problems, when i returned back to work, i saw my selection badge is inactive, maybe of this is my traffic very low too.. after a long discussion on support online, a nice admin told me i have to make 500$ per period, and many hours online,more than 10 if possible, to can have that badge back . really? omg, but do you really think we are your slaves ? we didnt sign any contract with you where you can force us to stay online more than 10 hours, or to make more than 500$ per period...is not a problem, i can make 500$ per period, but i need to care my health too. we have also a life to live.
if i have enough money this period, and i feel tired, i am free to choose to miss up 1 week or more..is my decission what to do and what to not do.
if you think all models are nikkidiamond, you are wrong..we have a family to care about, i have a mom to care,i have to do all the house chores, im not a princess, to ahve slaves to work for me..
i have to do all..and sometimes, when i really dont feel enough strong to work on jasmin too, i preffer to take a break.
if you want to have slaves, you are free to put there a rule like- we search slaves to work for us.
and if you have a inside rule on jasmin team which sais to not give badge to anyone, mostly those persons which are missing 2 weeks for health problems, then, make it visible to models too.
I can not say that I was to have fun in disco and I missed work
I was sick. everyone is sick especially girls in monthly period, just as I have some old problems when I am in monthly period, and I have one week or two weeks to lay in my bed, or in hospital. i cant even to get out of my bed in these periods.
if you dont appreciate all models, and if you dont appreciate long relationship, i am sorry then, i will look for other sites., where we can feel as home, wihtout so many and crazy rules,we can take selfies to put on our profile without getting rejected our pictures,we not have to go in other cities to take profi photos etc. i live in small city where i dont have any studio or profi photograf to know what about jasmin want from those photos. i respected all the rules, i tried my best on jasmin, to be all fine and to can work in peace, but nothing from ym side is enough for you guys.
i want to mention, i know all the rules are in our benefit,a nice album of photos can attract more traffic, a long shedule per day, also attract traffic. but when our health not let us work,we cannot force us and go online with a face like lemon, and without a msile,and doing bad quallity shows on privates. i know nobody care if today 10 models choose to go away from jasmin, because tomorow jasmin can winn 20 new models. but.. an new model will never appreciate jasmin as old models do it.
i also have print screens with conversation about the selection badge, how admin told me i have to work more, and im forced to make 500$ per period, every period.. but if i miss out, how to make 500$?
i think is impossible to force someone to do something

good bye Mr Lazlo Czero and thank you for all your hard working.
sorry for my bad language.
Have a lovely day
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Membru din: 22 Sep 2012, 19:21
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i forgot to mention, admin support told me i have to work few weeks, and after that, i can go and ask again for the activation of that selection badge.. so, few weeks with 10-20 guests and no more than 5 members, i have to stay and work hours and hours, and with low traffic, all of us know= no money= waste of time
this makes me changing my mind about jasmin.
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Membru din: 12 Dec 2008, 17:59
Localitate: timisoara
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I want to ask newbies that have made an lj account recently or in the least 6months how do they find the traffic???of course because you are new there is no comparison.....i worked online last night...
4 hours 2 dollars(yes i do have the professional photos,red lengerie in freechat,teasing,multiple languages and i do anal too)....
2-3 members in general maximum was 5,very little guests ...of course it woud be unfair to compared this years 2015 traffic to many years ago when the economy was different and the tehnology worse....
but 2 dollars...and those dollars because i can do roleplay....
in a strange way i miss that flowing freechat where guests woud fuck to each others words...members woud beg...others woud get excited...but there was movement....
i worked in times when there were more then 1000 girls online...last night were around 700...
lesbian category was funny 10-20 girl couples....i can remember the times with 40-50...
ok but lets come in to the present...you will say you are new you havent proved you can work 8-10 hours yet...
that is true...i still have to adjust my body and sleeping pattern to a new schedule...but how can i make it all those hours and nobody to talk too in free...shoud i watch tv,play a game on my phone so that time passes...i have danced to members in free and alone just to loosen up the muscles...
shoud i work on another site as well at the same time???
what is livejasmin suggesting??
you will say i need to sacrifice more,work more hours be happy with 100 dollars in 2 weeks..
im pretty sure this is not the right way to start this job at such a big website...this isnt ifriends or need live its shoud be a huge website with huge traffic.
but in my pee brakes i woud look at other models freechats...the same...high winning award girls watching tv,tiping on other website,not much people in freechat....
front page girl from the live cams...with really good pics and constant apeareance on first page was layng down on the bed with the head on the pillow....
still i wonder...my body ackes i decide to stop...yes i know i shoud have push it for more hours...i will push it but at a different time...
so in the early morning at 6 i look online the beautiful blonde russians from awards are online romanians lots of beautiful romanians and yes from 6 until 11 in the morning they have constant privates...the first pages that apear on live cames,the rest of the pages...dead freechat,the same problem..
at 8 30 i decide to look at little red bunny(as a member) 1 hour and 20 minutes no private for her just 2 surprises...and that woman can move in ways my god and i saw her pussy a couple of time too for free he he...still no pvt....despite upon leaving she even tried entering member area for a while...
she will be fine at the end of the months with regulars and surprises...i dont have regulars yet..
so where is the problem???
because there is one....for some of us....
and to Mister Laszlo please change your search algorythim men dont function on mathematic formulas...diversity always wins...a brothel with divers girls will always make more money then one filled with silicone barbie princesses....no offence to the barbies we all have our individual style...
perharps a member that usualy looks for the slim models will see my profile like my breasts which are medium and perky and still take me pvt even though im curvy so normaly i woudnt even apear in hes recomandations...
both a skinny and a bigger girls can have beautiful asses...you cannot put a beautiful ass :P in a math formula...
an if a man preferes blondes doesnt mean a brunette cant turn him on...
sure there are sexual obsessions but with todays cristal sharp profiles im sure a member woudnt have a problem picking what he likes
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Membru din: 12 Dec 2008, 17:59
Localitate: timisoara
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i forgot to mention logitech c920 very good internet,not luxury background but not bad either..heels in cam..stockings...toys ...the works...but will see tonight maybe a day is another day and maybe weekends are better maybe end of the months are bad...only time will tell...whats it like for you guys/girls now in march?
Mesaje: 17
Membru din: 02 Feb 2015, 00:48
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Dear All,

As you may have heard, soon i'm leaving Jasmin. And as a direct result, I will not be able to chat with you anymore representing the company. :) Please don't hesitate to contact your account manager in the company from now on in any cases.

Also using this opportunity, I would express my appreciation towards the Community for the great job you do every day! And don't forget that together you are stronger. :)
Mesaje: 47
Membru din: 02 Oct 2014, 17:04
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Dear Mr Czero,

Before leaving us, you forgot to thank us for our kind patience and reassure us that the issues we reported are just a delusion created by our sick mind and so are our lowered earnings.

However, wishing you all the best in your future endeavors!
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Membru din: 15 Dec 2008, 18:09
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cheer-up Mr. Lazlo, being different from the norm is not easy , it never was, but one day you will be surely understood and appreciated for how you are.... until then , smile and live in peace with yourself , because , remember : the ugly duck is a swan, generally speaking.

the people who are out of the norm it's them who move the humankind to a better stage no matter if they do art, science, politics, sports or whatever.

I suggest to take advantage of the time spent in Luxembourg and find there a bank or a reliable group of sponsors, take some big fat money from them and open your own Investment Funding Company to finance and build a young fresh generation in business, do what a Government should do (but no Government cares to do) .... you are a very energetic person with lots of courage and innovation, when choosing yourself who and what to sponsorship/finance , what to develop, you will be listened , respected , it will be like growing baby-businesses and growing baby-managers, making them wiser and stronger and richer.
you can make a an Investement Fund to help the boys and girls who want to quit videochat to open their own companies and I don't mean manicure saloons lol, most of them are university graduated as you know, and you can offer them not only the financing but also your business subjects, ideas and guiding lines....I mean YOURS..... did you know : the solar panels idea belonged to an Investment Fund Owner ? he said to himself: capturing energy from Sun ... THAT would be a hell of money and neverending money, I need to finance a company to do this, I don't know HOW but they must do it.

I truly wish you a bright life Mr. Lazlo, I do believe you can make it bright because you can do ... A LOT.
and leave us a contact here, as a simple member of this Forum, just never know ...you tried to help us , maybe one day we can help you back :)
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Membru din: 19 Sep 2010, 19:30
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LaszloCzero scrie:Dear All,

As you may have heard, soon i'm leaving Jasmin. And as a direct result, I will not be able to chat with you anymore representing the company. :) Please don't hesitate to contact your account manager in the company from now on in any cases.

Also using this opportunity, I would express my appreciation towards the Community for the great job you do every day! And don't forget that together you are stronger. :)
I hope you don't leave Jasmin with a bad feeling...
Wishing you good luck and all the best!

As for us, who knows what to expect... new changes i would guess... :mrgreen:
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Membru din: 20 Apr 2011, 10:44
Localitate: WorldWide
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Laszlo deserves our respect for being the FIRST CEO of a top 3 site to come here, in OUR community, and have an open dialogue with us, limited of course by company policy but still a dialogue. Hope we shall see more like him in the future.
Studio 20. Cel mai mare si mai cunoscut studio de videochat din lume. 20 de locatii, 5 tari, 3 continente.

Excelam Impreuna!

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Membru din: 05 Feb 2015, 13:19
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I want to thank you, Mr. Laszlo, for taking time to read my posts and my e-mails, and also for replying to them. I'll add you my "LJ cool guys" list, alonside Alberto and Bence. :D
Have the brightest future ahead!
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How are you? I'm glad to find you again here on this Romanian forum. Maybe you remember me. I'm in top five best models. NikkiDiamond69
I like this forum. It has a lot of info for lj. Hello to all Romanian models. Hello RaisaBella!
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Membru din: 30 Dec 2008, 08:57
Localitate: Bucuresti/Slatina
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nikkidiamond69 scrie:How are you? I'm glad to find you again here on this Romanian forum. Maybe you remember me. I'm in top five best models. NikkiDiamond69
I like this forum. It has a lot of info for lj. Hello to all Romanian models. Hello RaisaBella!
Fake user..
https://glamchatstudio.ro/ powered by GlamChatStudio
Cat de ciudati suntem noi oamenii, sa ne nastem nu cerem, sa traim nu stim si sa murim nu vrem...
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Membru din: 19 Sep 2010, 19:30
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Damn... i was about to bend down on my knees ... :D

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