Epassporte probleme cu VISA!

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Cei 7 ani de Acasă! Zero SPAM!
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Membru din: 18 Aug 2010, 19:12
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no coment......au zburat si bani astia ....i-a luat Vantu:P
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Membru din: 02 Feb 2005, 00:23
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Dudes, nu inteleg de ce sunteti asa pesimisti, banii din wallet se transfera iar pentru cei de pe visa si-au asumat cei de la banca responsabilitatea,au dat chiar si o data pentru accesarea fondurilor, adica o data certa nu textul clasic please take note that your funds are secure ,hope soon it will work blah blah...oamenii au zis ca pe 6 deci 7 data noastra...
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Membru din: 21 Feb 2010, 02:26
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As previously advised, SKNANB has been working diligently to restore prepaid cardholders' ability to access their Visa card funds.

Thursday, October 7th, 2010 is the confirmed date that the majority of cardholders will be able to access the funds on their Visa Card using their existing virtual card and/or physical card(s), without providing SKNANB further information. A small percentage of cardholders will be required to provide certain confirming due diligence information. On or after October 7th, prepaid cardholders may attempt to use their cards to confirm that no additional due diligence information will be required. Alternatively, you may email us at vcsupport@sknanb.com, including the first and last name on the card and the last four digits of either the virtual or physical card and we will verify as soon as is possible as to whether or not you will need to provide additional due diligence information.

SKNANB has received questions with respect to cash withdrawal limits. The daily limits for cash withdrawals will be US$320.00 (three hundred and twenty) per day. This limit cannot be modified. SKNANB prepaid cardholders should continue to check this site for further updates.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your SKNANB prepaid card, please contact SKNANB at vcprepaid@sknanb.com. In addition, cardholders can call +1-869-466-9733 to contact the cardholder services centre between the hours of 8am and 4pm Atlantic Standard Time. Please note, the call volume could be quite large, as such, there may be extended wait times.

We understand the inconvenience and SKNANB thanks you for your continued patience.

St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Limited
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Membru din: 21 Feb 2010, 02:26
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Gata!S-a terminat complet cu epassporte.asta e tot ce se mai poate vedea cand intrati in cont.



It is with great regret we inform you that ePassporte must close its doors due to a lack of revenue and circumstances beyond our control.

Effective immediately, the call center, ePassporte's sales and marketing team and risk management staff will no longer be available. A small group will remain to organize wallet requests and help disburse funds. On the ePassporte website, in the near future, wallet holders will be provided further information on what is needed to obtain your funds. This will mainly be a process to protect wallet holder funds from fraud. We expect this will be a simplified process, and as we receive the necessary information, our small remaining staff will process requests as quickly as they can. Please direct your wallet questions, concerns and requests to walletrequest@ePassporte.com.

For those of you with funds on your Visa Accounts, we are informed that St. Kitts Bank is working on a plan to provide everyone with full access to their funds through their Visa Electron Cards or by bank wire transfers and will inform you accordingly.

We appreciate your support for the ePassporte program over the past 7 years and deeply regret we must close our doors at this difficult time.



You have US$0.00 available in your ePassporte Wallet. What's this?

Your Virtual/Visa Electron balance is currently not available.

deci....R.I.P epassporte
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Membru din: 05 Oct 2010, 23:06
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As vrea sa intreb pe cei cau au reusit sa-si scoate banii din Wallet prin Wire Transfer,prin ce banca ati reusit?Eu una am tot asteptat si am tot sperat ca epass o sa-si revina,si in sfarsit am inteles ca degeaba pierd timpul,am facut cerere de wire,am deschis cont la Raiffeisen,am primit pozitivul de la epass,ca acum trebuie doar sa astept...am fost aproape fericita ca voi vedea banii inapoi,dar nu a fost sa fie,am primit mesaj de la ei dupa 4 zile,ca nu se poate face wire la Raiffeisen,trebuie sa incerc prin alta banca.M-am gandit ca pot primi un sfat de la voi,care ati reusit deja,la ce banca sa merg sa imi deschid cont in $,ca nu pot merge de la o banca la alta sa deschid conturi asa aiurirea,pierd timp si nervi,ca apoi sa aflu de la epass ca nu se accepte wire prin banca la care am apelat.Intai m-am suparat rau,cand am primit acest raspuns de la epass,le-am trimis email,ca sunt sigura ca nu e problema cu Raiffeisen ci cu ei,ca nu vor sa-mi dea banii inapoi...dar intre timp am aflat ca si in Rusia nu au mers wire prin Raiffeisen ,asa ca m-am calmat putin si vreau sa incerc din noul sa fac wire..
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Membru din: 02 Feb 2005, 00:23
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We understand the inconvenience and SKNANB thanks you for your continued patience.
O fraza standard cu adevarat lovely, pai daca intelegeau the incovenience this mofos ar fi putut sa nu mai creeze the inconvenience in the first place si daca tot l-au creat sa fi avut o solutie imediata nu sa anunte dupa o luna ca utilizatorii cu mai multi dineros blocati la ei pot sa isi inchirieze un atm sa si-l puna in baie ca sa nu faca carari la banca. Asta e o faza pe care nici macar noi romanii obisnuiti sa inghitim tone de kkt de asta oficial nu o digeram. Iar in ceea ce priveste rabdarea all I can say is hahahaha!
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Membru din: 03 Sep 2010, 13:37
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nu mai pot accesa contul epas . Voi puteti? La mine apare doar acest mesaj!!!!!!!IMPORTANT MESSAGE REGARDING YOUR EPASSPORTE ACCOUNT
Dear maridori,

It is with great regret we inform you that ePassporte must close its doors due to a lack of revenue and circumstances beyond our control.

Effective immediately, the call center, ePassporte's sales and marketing team and risk management staff will no longer be available. A small group will remain to organize wallet requests and help disburse funds. On the ePassporte website, in the near future, wallet holders will be provided further information on what is needed to obtain your funds. This will mainly be a process to protect wallet holder funds from fraud. We expect this will be a simplified process, and as we receive the necessary information, our small remaining staff will process requests as quickly as they can. Please direct your wallet questions, concerns and requests to walletrequest@ePassporte.com.

For those of you with funds on your Visa Accounts, we are informed that St. Kitts Bank is working on a plan to provide everyone with full access to their funds through their Visa Electron Cards or by bank wire transfers and will inform you accordingly.

We appreciate your support for the ePassporte program over the past 7 years and deeply regret we must close our doors at this difficult time.



You have US$0.00 available in your ePassporte Wallet. What's this?

Your Virtual/Visa Electron balance is currently not available.
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Membru din: 16 Feb 2008, 03:05
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Dear You,

It is with great regret we inform you that ePassporte must close its doors due to a lack of revenue and circumstances beyond our control.

Effective immediately, the call center, ePassporte's sales and marketing team and risk management staff will no longer be available. A small group will remain to organize wallet requests and help disburse funds. On the ePassporte website, in the near future, wallet holders will be provided further information on what is needed to obtain your funds. This will mainly be a process to protect wallet holder funds from fraud. We expect this will be a simplified process, and as we receive the necessary information, our small remaining staff will process requests as quickly as they can. Please direct your wallet questions, concerns and requests to walletrequest@ePassporte.com.

For those of you with funds on your Visa Accounts, we are informed that St. Kitts Bank is working on a plan to provide everyone with full access to their funds through their Visa Electron Cards or by bank wire transfers and will inform you accordingly.

We appreciate your support for the ePassporte program over the past 7 years and deeply regret we must close our doors at this difficult time.



Nu cred ca mai vad banii din wallet . Nu stiu ce naiba sa fac . Cred ca mai mult succes au acum cei care aveau banii blocati in "virtual visa" . Macar banca aia fantoma tot face anunturi ca pe 7 au stabilit prima zi de extrageri . Ce naiba sa fac ? Ma tot asigura ca-s banii-n siguranta .
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Membru din: 16 Feb 2008, 03:05
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Am uitat sa mentionez ca am dat deja iban-ul si tot restul pentru wire transfer dar n-am vazut un ban . Ei ziceau ca-n 7-10 zile totul va fi rezolvat . In a 9-a zi le-am dat mail si i-am intrebat daca sunt siguri ca-n a 10-a ii voi primi . Reply-ul a fost ca le pare rau , dar e volumul de cereri prea mare . Asta a fost acum o saptamana . Azi am gasit site-ul inchis . Ce sa fac ? Le-am mai dat un mail pe noua adresa furnizata de ei si m-am straduit sa nu vorbesc obscen . A facut cineva wire transfer intre wallet si contul bancar de cand s-a declansat tot rahatul asta ? Avem vreo poveste de succes ? Chiar nu vreau sa-mi pierd speranta de tot . Am citit undeva ca cineva cunoaste un asiatic care ne-ar putea ajuta cu retragerile . Mai e valabil ?
Mesaje: 24
Membru din: 19 Feb 2009, 00:52
Localitate: Romania
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eu am ridicat banii din wallet am agatugat in card de la ING si in 5 zile am primit banii, exact vineri i am ridicat, acum sa vedem ce se intampla cu cei din VISA ca acolo era grosu
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Membru din: 21 Sep 2009, 15:13
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To All SKNANB Visa Prepaid Cardholders

As previously advised, SKNANB has been working diligently to restore prepaid cardholders' ability to access their Visa card funds.

Thursday, October 7th, 2010 is the confirmed date that the majority of cardholders will be able to access the funds on their Visa Card using their existing virtual card and/or physical card(s), without providing SKNANB further information. A small percentage of cardholders will be required to provide certain confirming due diligence information. On or after October 7th, prepaid cardholders may attempt to use their cards to confirm that no additional due diligence information will be required. Alternatively, you may email us at vcsupport@sknanb.com, including the first and last name on the card and the last four digits of either the virtual or physical card and we will verify as soon as is possible as to whether or not you will need to provide additional due diligence information.

SKNANB has received questions with respect to cash withdrawal limits. The daily limits for cash withdrawals will be US$320.00 (three hundred and twenty) per day. This limit cannot be modified. SKNANB prepaid cardholders should continue to check this site for further updates.

Suna cam neclar mesajul asta...dc sa nu putem retrage toata suma odata(probabil pt a-si incasa ei comisioane)...dc nu ne spun ei din start cine trebuie sa le dea informatii suplimentare si cine nu. In fine...Doamne ajuta sa fie cum spun ei!
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Membru din: 27 Aug 2008, 05:06
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ashtarte scrie: Am citit undeva ca cineva cunoaste un asiatic care ne-ar putea ajuta cu retragerile . Mai e valabil ?
:D Nu mai este....
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Membru din: 03 Sep 2010, 15:47
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ashtarte scrie:Am uitat sa mentionez ca am dat deja iban-ul si tot restul pentru wire transfer dar n-am vazut un ban . Ei ziceau ca-n 7-10 zile totul va fi rezolvat . In a 9-a zi le-am dat mail si i-am intrebat daca sunt siguri ca-n a 10-a ii voi primi . Reply-ul a fost ca le pare rau , dar e volumul de cereri prea mare . Asta a fost acum o saptamana . Azi am gasit site-ul inchis . Ce sa fac ? Le-am mai dat un mail pe noua adresa furnizata de ei si m-am straduit sa nu vorbesc obscen . A facut cineva wire transfer intre wallet si contul bancar de cand s-a declansat tot rahatul asta ? Avem vreo poveste de succes ? Chiar nu vreau sa-mi pierd speranta de tot . Am citit undeva ca cineva cunoaste un asiatic care ne-ar putea ajuta cu retragerile . Mai e valabil ?
japonezul ia comision mare.nu te-as sfatui:(
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Membru din: 10 Noi 2005, 12:34
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Adio Epassporte!Daca acum 2 zile imi facusem ceva sperante (mici) pe care acum o luna nu le aveam,acum sunt sigura ca banii s-au dus.
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Membru din: 16 Feb 2008, 03:05
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"eu am ridicat banii din wallet am agatugat in card de la ING si in 5 zile am primit banii, exact vineri i am ridicat, acum sa vedem ce se intampla cu cei din VISA ca acolo era grosu"

Eu mi-am facut cont la raiffeisen , special pentru asta . Nu mai stiu unde , mai sus am inteles ca astia au ceva cu raiffeisen . E adevarat ? Sa incerc ING ? Deocamdata sunt in stand-by . Nici nu mi-au raspuns la ultimele mail-uri . In ultima instanta am sa fac si cont la ING . Sa nu zica , doamne fereste , ca e rea vointa .
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Membru din: 05 Oct 2010, 23:06
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Eu am scis ca prin Raiffeisen nu se poate primi wire de la epassporte.Asta am patit eu,dupa ce am mers special la ei sa deschid un cont in $,am complectat formularul de wile,l-am scanat,uploadat etc.Dupa aceea am primit email de la epassporte ca totul e ok si a ramas sa astept 7-10 days...au trecut 4,si nu stiu de ce am intrat in contul meu de epass,la sectiune"upload documents"sa ma uit ce mai e pe acolo,si am vazut ca a aparut mesaj de la ei,sub wire form uploadat de mine,ca nu pot primi wire prin Raiffeisen,fara niciun fel de instiintare prin alta metoda,gen email,message,etc...daca nu intram acolo,tot stateam si asteptam sa primesc banii in contul in $...
acuma am tot scris emailuri la ei,sa ma indrume la alta banca,prin care ei deja au facu wire in Ro,si bineinteles nu mi-a raspuns nimeni...s acum dupa ce s-au inchis,nici nu stiu ce sa fac.Daca mai vad banii de la wallet-mare minune...
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Membru din: 29 Mai 2009, 01:55
Localitate: Bucharest
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exoticbeauty1 scrie:Eu am scis ca prin Raiffeisen nu se poate primi wire de la epassporte.Asta am patit eu,dupa ce am mers special la ei sa deschid un cont in $,am complectat formularul de wile,l-am scanat,uploadat etc.Dupa aceea am primit email de la epassporte ca totul e ok si a ramas sa astept 7-10 days...au trecut 4,si nu stiu de ce am intrat in contul meu de epass,la sectiune"upload documents"sa ma uit ce mai e pe acolo,si am vazut ca a aparut mesaj de la ei,sub wire form uploadat de mine,ca nu pot primi wire prin Raiffeisen,fara niciun fel de instiintare prin alta metoda,gen email,message,etc...daca nu intram acolo,tot stateam si asteptam sa primesc banii in contul in $...
acuma am tot scris emailuri la ei,sa ma indrume la alta banca,prin care ei deja au facu wire in Ro,si bineinteles nu mi-a raspuns nimeni...s acum dupa ce s-au inchis,nici nu stiu ce sa fac.Daca mai vad banii de la wallet-mare minune...
poate nu ai COMPLECTAT bine formularul
Cam2Chat - Professional Broadcast
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Membru din: 05 Oct 2010, 23:06
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da,poate ca sunt atat de proasta in cat nu imi dau seama daca e completat bine sau nu :mrgreen:
In primul rand formularul pentru wire a fost completat de o angajata din bank,eu doar l-am semnat si am scris numarul "visa electronic"
Cum am zis,cei de la epassporte mi-au verificat documentele uploadate si au spus ca e in regula ca acum urmeaza doar sa astept.dar apoi au aflat ei ca de fapt raiffeisen nu accepta wire de la ei,si aceeasi problema cu raiffeisen din Rusia...
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Membru din: 29 Mai 2009, 01:55
Localitate: Bucharest
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exoticbeauty1 scrie:da,poate ca sunt atat de proasta in cat nu imi dau seama daca e completat bine sau nu :mrgreen:
In primul rand formularul pentru wire a fost completat de o angajata din bank,eu doar l-am semnat si am scris numarul "visa electronic"
Cum am zis,cei de la epassporte mi-au verificat documentele uploadate si au spus ca e in regula ca acum urmeaza doar sa astept.dar apoi au aflat ei ca de fapt raiffeisen nu accepta wire de la ei,si aceeasi problema cu raiffeisen din Rusia...
Aceleasi probleme au fost semnalate si la Raiffaisen Lituania :) , lasand gluma eu am primit la raiffaisen fara probleme. Cat timp folosesc acel sistem swift nu vad de ce nu ai putea primi banii.
Cam2Chat - Professional Broadcast
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Membru din: 21 Feb 2010, 02:26
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"...............Also, please note that the fee structure will be unchanged, including the ATM withdrawal fee, which remains at US$3.00 (The $10.00 fee mentioned elsewhere on the sknanb.com website is Eastern Caribbean dollars and relates to another, non-associated product).

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your SKNANB prepaid card, please contact SKNANB at vcprepaid@sknanb.com. In addition, cardholders can call +1-869-466-9733 to contact the cardholder services centre between the hours of 8am and 4pm Atlantic Standard Time. Please note, the call volume could be quite large, as such, there may be extended wait times.

We understand the inconvenience and SKNANB thanks you for your continued patience."

St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Limited

s-ar putea intelege de aici,conform fusului orar ca maine incepand cu ora 14 am putea incerca sa ne accesam cardurile?tare bine ar mai fi....
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Membru din: 03 Mai 2007, 16:42
Localitate: Acolo unde nu exista Skins !
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eu cunosc cateva cazuri care si au recuperat banii prin wire dar aceste persoane au facut asta asap din mom in care veni necazul cu epass ; voi cred ca v ati culcat cam multi timp pe o ureche si ati sperat cam in van

din pacate cred ca in momentul asta e deja prea tarziu pt a va primii banutii

sper sincer sa ma insel
"Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven."
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Membru din: 03 Sep 2010, 11:19
Localitate: bucharest
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Cei care au pe cardul de epass mai mult de 2.000$ trebuie sa trimita un mail celor de la banca sa le spuna ce suma aveau in cont, numele de pe card si ultimele patru cifre de pe card, pentru a afla cum sa isi acceseze fondurile. Toti cei care au peste 2.000 vor trebui sa trimita informatii aditionale. Trimite-ti mail la vcsupport@sknanb.com. Eu abia am vorbit la banca si asa mi-au spus
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