Epassporte probleme cu VISA!

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Cei 7 ani de Acasă! Zero SPAM!
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Membru din: 12 Ian 2010, 23:05
Localitate: Bucuresti
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Maddy scrie:Eu nu ii fac reclama sa il folosim sau nu , e doar un semn foarte bun ca o sa ne putem lua banii blocati , daca site-uri mari il integreaza inapoi inseamna ca au ei informatii mai directe si mai concrete decat noi astia mici ;) .
Sa te auda Dumnezeu :lol: si sa ne luam cu totii banii! :D
SoulCams Models Studios wanted
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Membru din: 18 Ian 2010, 18:41
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de curiozitate,, aveati multi bani pe epassport? ce-i care tineau banii la caldurica acolo ?din romania s-au pierdut bani multi sau se vaita ce-i care au 0.30$ sau 5.00$ pe cont ca nu-si mai vad banii
Mesaje: 19
Membru din: 12 Ian 2010, 23:05
Localitate: Bucuresti
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panaramadeom scrie:de curiozitate,, aveati multi bani pe epassport? ce-i care tineau banii la caldurica acolo ?din romania s-au pierdut bani multi sau se vaita ce-i care au 0.30$ sau 5.00$ pe cont ca nu-si mai vad banii
CEI care se "vaita",zic eu, au motive serioase sa se "vaite" ...si ideea de bani multi e relativa si subiectiva ....poate pt unii dintre noi bani multi inseamna cateva mii, poate pt altii cateva sute ...sau zeci de mii ...nu cred ca se agita careva pt cativa centi sau cativa $!
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Membru din: 29 Mar 2010, 19:27
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Multul unora poate sa fie putinul altora si invers stimate panaramadeom .
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Membru din: 10 Noi 2008, 20:57
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Sins-Shop scrie:stimate panaramadeom .
F. tare suna asta :lol: :lol:
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Membru din: 21 Sep 2009, 15:13
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It is still expected that from Wednesday, October 6th, the overwhelming majority of cardholders will be able to access the funds on their Visa Card using their existing virtual card and/or physical card(s), without providing SKNANB further information. A small percentage of cardholders will be asked to provide certain confirming information. SKNANB prepaid cardholders should continue to check this site for further updates.

pana azi spuneau ca pe 4(azi) vor cere informatii suplimentare unora dintre clientii lor...acum spun ca tot asa se va intampla dar ca sa asteptam pt update-uri. Mie tot a pacaleala imi suna. Vbe si iar vbe ca si epass!
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Membru din: 29 Mar 2010, 19:27
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To All SKNANB Visa Prepaid Cardholders

As previously advised, SKNANB has been working diligently on the necessary efforts to restore prepaid cardholders' ability to access their Visa card funds.

It is still expected that from Wednesday, October 6th, the overwhelming majority of cardholders will be able to access the funds on their Visa Card using their existing virtual card and/or physical card(s), without providing SKNANB further information. A small percentage of cardholders will be asked to provide certain confirming information. SKNANB prepaid cardholders should continue to check this site for further updates.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your SKNANB prepaid card, please contact SKNANB at vcprepaid@sknanb.com. In addition, cardholders can call +1-869-466-9733 to contact the cardholder services centre between the hours of 8am and 4pm Atlantic Standard Time. Please note, the call volume could be quite large, as such, there may be extended wait times.

We understand the inconvenience and SKNANB thanks you for your continued patience.

St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Limited

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Membru din: 04 Noi 2006, 08:19
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[BUNA de curiozitate ii apare cuiva banii din visa virtual?pentru ca la mine tot nu le pot vizualiza,ca eie zic acolo ca banca ne da banii,dar banii ar trebui sa si apara pe visa virtuall nu?i
Mesaje: 19
Membru din: 12 Ian 2010, 23:05
Localitate: Bucuresti
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Dear ePassporte Account Holders,

It is with great regret we inform you that ePassporte must close its doors due to a lack of revenue and circumstances beyond our control.

Effective immediately, the call center, ePassporte's sales and marketing team and risk management staff will no longer be available. A small group will remain to organize wallet requests and help disburse funds. On the ePassporte website, in the near future, wallet holders will be provided further information on what is needed to obtain your funds. This will mainly be a process to protect wallet holder funds from fraud. We expect this will be a simplified process, and as we receive the necessary information, our small remaining staff will process requests as quickly as they can. Please direct your wallet questions, concerns and requests to walletrequest@ePassporte.com.

For those of you with funds on your Visa Accounts, we are informed that St. Kitts Bank is working on a plan to provide everyone with full access to their funds through their Visa Electron Cards or by bank wire transfers and will inform you accordingly.

We appreciate your support for the ePassporte program over the past 7 years and deeply regret we must close our doors at this difficult time.

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Membru din: 03 Sep 2010, 15:47
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Dear ePassporte Account Holders,

It is with great regret we inform you that ePassporte must close its doors due to a lack of revenue and circumstances beyond our control.

Effective immediately, the call center, ePassporte's sales and marketing team and risk management staff will no longer be available. A small group will remain to organize wallet requests and help disburse funds. On the ePassporte website, in the near future, wallet holders will be provided further information on what is needed to obtain your funds. This will mainly be a process to protect wallet holder funds from fraud. We expect this will be a simplified process, and as we receive the necessary information, our small remaining staff will process requests as quickly as they can. Please direct your wallet questions, concerns and requests to walletrequest@ePassporte.com.

For those of you with funds on your Visa Accounts, we are informed that St. Kitts Bank is working on a plan to provide everyone with full access to their funds through their Visa Electron Cards or by bank wire transfers and will inform you accordingly.

We appreciate your support for the ePassporte program over the past 7 years and deeply regret we must close our doors at this difficult time.


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Mesaje: 533
Membru din: 06 Ian 2010, 20:24
Localitate: Bucuresti
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Dear Account Holder:

It is with great regret we inform you that ePassporte must close its doors due to a lack of revenue and circumstances beyond our control.

Effective immediately, the call center, ePassporte's sales and marketing team and risk management staff will no longer be available.A small group will remain to organize wallet requests and help disburse funds. On the ePassporte website, in the near future, wallet holders will be provided further information on what is needed to obtain your funds. This will mainly be a process to protect wallet holder funds from fraud. We expect this will be a simplified process, and as we receive the necessary information, our small remaining staff will process requests as quickly as they can. Please direct your wallet questions, concerns and requests to walletrequest@ePassporte.com.

For those of you with funds on your Visa Accounts, we are informed that St. Kitts Bank is working on a plan to provide everyone with full access to their funds through their Visa Electron Cards or by bank wire transfers and will inform you accordingly.

We appreciate your support for the ePassporte program over the past 7 years and deeply regret we must close our doors at this difficult time.

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Membru din: 01 Noi 2009, 08:54
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Dear Account Holder:

It is with great regret we inform you that ePassporte must close its doors due to a lack of revenue and circumstances beyond our control.

Effective immediately, the call center, ePassporte's sales and marketing team and risk management staff will no longer be available.A small group will remain to organize wallet requests and help disburse funds. On the ePassporte website, in the near future, wallet holders will be provided further information on what is needed to obtain your funds. This will mainly be a process to protect wallet holder funds from fraud. We expect this will be a simplified process, and as we receive the necessary information, our small remaining staff will process requests as quickly as they can. Please direct your wallet questions, concerns and requests to walletrequest@ePassporte.com.

For those of you with funds on your Visa Accounts, we are informed that St. Kitts Bank is working on a plan to provide everyone with full access to their funds through their Visa Electron Cards or by bank wire transfers and will inform you accordingly.

We appreciate your support for the ePassporte program over the past 7 years and deeply regret we must close our doors at this difficult time.


United Studios
Mesaje: 807
Membru din: 09 Noi 2006, 17:16
Localitate: Bucuresti / Pitesti
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Videochatul este cea mai bine platita munca grea si cea mai prost platita munca usoara.
United Studios
Mesaje: 807
Membru din: 09 Noi 2006, 17:16
Localitate: Bucuresti / Pitesti
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parca revad falimentul Bankcoop-ului...
Videochatul este cea mai bine platita munca grea si cea mai prost platita munca usoara.
User Junior
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Membru din: 26 Sep 2008, 00:38
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sa moara mama wulpita de ciuda ca se inchide epassportu' :)) poate revine pe 15 noiembrie :)))))) Sa vedem daca ne luam maine banii
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Membru din: 03 Mai 2007, 16:42
Localitate: Acolo unde nu exista Skins !
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mai mai taman cu o zii inainte sa se indeplineasca prevederile wulpitei off oamenii rai care nu o inteleg pe modeala asta ciufulita de intemperii la adevarata ei valoare :(

geniu nerecunoscut domle.........
"Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven."
Mesaje: 10
Membru din: 08 Ian 2010, 13:44
Localitate: Sunrise
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Si ca sa ne linistim o data si sa intelegem un lucru . www.skndb.com :

The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator.

The following information is meant for the website developer for debugging purposes.
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Membru din: 08 Sep 2009, 17:40
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Sa fie asta teapa anului?
Team Powerlifting Romania.
Heavy weight champion.
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Membru din: 21 Feb 2010, 02:26
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draga phoenix site-ul se scrie www.sknanb.com si nu cum l-ai scris tu.

site-ul bancii este activ.putina atentie la taste ar mai ucide din dezinformare.
Mesaje: 24
Membru din: 11 Iun 2010, 13:14
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Dear ePassporte Account Holders,

It is with great regret we inform you that ePassporte must close its doors due to a lack of revenue and circumstances beyond our control.

Effective immediately, the call center, ePassporte's sales and marketing team and risk management staff will no longer be available. A small group will remain to organize wallet requests and help disburse funds. On the ePassporte website, in the near future, wallet holders will be provided further information on what is needed to obtain your funds. This will mainly be a process to protect wallet holder funds from fraud. We expect this will be a simplified process, and as we receive the necessary information, our small remaining staff will process requests as quickly as they can. Please direct your wallet questions, concerns and requests to walletrequest@ePassporte.com.

For those of you with funds on your Visa Accounts, we are informed that St. Kitts Bank is working on a plan to provide everyone with full access to their funds through their Visa Electron Cards or by bank wire transfers and will inform you accordingly.

We appreciate your support for the ePassporte program over the past 7 years and deeply regret we must close our doors at this difficult time.


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User Junior+
User Junior+
Mesaje: 144
Membru din: 11 Iun 2006, 20:43
Localitate: Bucharest
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fetish scrie:mai mai taman cu o zii inainte sa se indeplineasca prevederile wulpitei off oamenii rai care nu o inteleg pe modeala asta ciufulita de intemperii la adevarata ei valoare :(

geniu nerecunoscut domle.........
mi-ai luat vb din gura

RIP Epass
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Membru din: 06 Ian 2010, 20:24
Localitate: Bucuresti
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@wulpita .... in caz ca vrei sa-ti dai demisia ... eu personal o semnez fara regrete si iti respect decizia .
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