Looking for a vc only about Romanian & Moldavian performers

Pentru Webmasteri, Afiliați in special pentru cei cu profil adult video chat dar si ceilalti webmasteri care au siteuri pentru adulți sunt bine veniți. Puteți discuta despre Programele de Afiliare live cams și conexe. Colaborări, schimb de informații, sugestii pentru noile proiecte adult, schimb de backlinks și așa mai departe! ℹ️👑📝
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Mesaje: 1
Membru din: 26 Sep 2013, 16:03
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I am a webmaster for adult sites.
I need upload on a site a videochat where appear only Romanian and Moldavian performers
the site is
http://www.ragazzerumenepadroneinitalia.com alias http://www.ragazzemoldavepadroneinitalia.com
the site is in italian Language, but th evideochat should be sure in English Language.
The sites actually are not visible in Romania and Moldavia for th eprivacy about models that i advertise on the site.
Than if is possble the some videochat , but with more room visible ( also about performers of other nationality) i could upload in other adult sites that i have.
There is some studio interest about that? could we do a business for that ? % ?
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