Alerta la Visa si Mastercard !

Discuții despre diferite tipuri de fraudă în Industria Adult și activitatatea de videochat; fraudă cam siteuri, fraudă Vizitatori, Clienți, Modele, Studio-uri, Agenții Onlyfans și așa mai departe! ✋🚫🛑⛔🏛️
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Membru din: 06 Ian 2010, 20:24
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Visa Europe has been informed of a potential data security breach at a European processor and an investigation is underway.

The potentially affected payment processor is serving an undisclosed merchant chain that does business in several eastern European markets, Visa said.

Cardholders who are innocent victims of fraud will get their money back, subject to the terms and conditions of their bank.

In concluzie nimeni nu o sa piarda bani , in cel mai rau caz o sa fie mici inconveniente in accesarea fondurilor .

Singura institutie care a luat masuri drastice a fost CEC ul care a blocat 17 mii de carduri ca sa le inlocuiasca insa nu este singura banca afectata .

Toate cardurile care fost folosite ca mijloc de plata prin procesatorul afectat au fost compromise .
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Membru din: 03 Noi 2010, 17:15
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Ca sa vedeti ce noroc am:
Dear Payoneer Cardholder,
We have received a security alert from MasterCard and are contacting you to ensure that there has been no breach of security with regards to your Payoneer card. Your card has been blocked to prevent unauthorized use, and a new card will be sent to you free of charge by expedited shipping.

Please reply to this email with confirmation of your shipping address. Please note that if no email reply is received within the next 2 days, your new card will be shipped to the shipping address we currently have on file.

In addition, please review all recent transactions and confirm that they were indeed made by yourself.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Thank You,
Payoneer Customer Support
Banuiesc ca asta s-a intamplat:) Nu a avut nimeni acces la cardul meu ca sa fie alta problema. Eu le-am trimis mail si astept raspuns (o sa il postez aici, poate mai ajuta pe cineva). Intre timp eu nu pot folosi cardul...sper sa se rezolve:)
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