streamate traffic

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Membru din: 21 Mai 2024, 12:15
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hey yall mai experimenteaza cineva probleme de traffic pe sreamate... adica in cuvinte mai simple mai aveti traffic pe streamate sau sunt singura la care traffic-ul a scazut si daca mai vad 2 membri in camera intr-o tura de 8h e bine

multumesc anticipat!
SoulCams Models Studios wanted
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Membru din: 21 Mai 2024, 12:09
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nu esti singura traffic-ul pe streamate a scazut dramatic sper sa isi si revina
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Membru din: 20 Apr 2013, 09:05
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Hello everyone! Ive been on SM since 2018 and ive been doing pretty decent over there. But since more than an year my earnings went down the hill. In the past i was streaming around 30h/ week, and averaging around 60$-80$/hour. I was charging 5.99 and 6.99 excl. I am fron EstEurope and I know that I shall never have traffic like girls from the US or even Uk, but still, it was decent.

Since almost 2 years ive been dealing with mental health, and a feeling of a burn out because ive been in this work for over 13 years, so my streaming time has reduced to almost 60-80h a month sometimes even less.

Slowly Ive build my self up mentally and got back online for a bit more, however Im still a bit under 25h per week. Could this alone be a major factor that influences my traffic? I know that SM had glitches, and for some models traffic issues, but i can still see girls making the top throughout the contests. So its clear that there is still money to make on the platform.

In the meantime ive raised my rates to 6.99 and 7.99. My regs still come to see me, nobody complained, but my traffic is a mess.
For ex last week, Tuesday,Wednesday, and Thursday i averaged around 400$/ 6h shift, and then Friday,when the 25% bonus start Ive made 20$/4h. I logged off, cause I couldnt stand it anymore.

Also in general with a contest or not, my traffic has dropped significantly. And there are looong moments without a single soul in my room to talk to. My overall earnings per hour have dropped to 30$-45$% There are very few days per month that work as they used to, and then I have ones like the last Friday. So from 60$-70$/h which helps you to be displayed higher on the page, when you have a day where you average 5$/h , it pulls me down on the site severely. Even like so im still on first page, but from the 6-7row, I end up on the bottom of the page. Not that would really matter, as traffic is still a mess. But when i am there , there are actually crickets within all the shift.

Anyways, I wanted you guys to tell me if you have seen your traffic being a lot more better when streaming longer hours. My personal goal at the moment is to have at least 25h/week. That is very hard, when there are days like the last Friday...😔 But im willing to push myself through. Do you think that my traffic went severy down because I was doing less than 25h/week like i used too?
I kow that the more hours you put on the more you earn. But Im not talking about this. I am talking about bringing my average/h to at least where it was, if not higher.

I used to do well during contest with those 25-30h/ week. I used to rank 100-200 casually with no efforts. I even got on 10# when I put longer hours, but now, its definitely very DEAD for me during contests, no matter the week. So i only wonder if this is MY fault l, and if there is anything I can do in order to bring back the traffic I used to have.

Please, I really need help! 🥺🙏

(Mi am exprimat aceleasi ingrijorari pe un alt forum, si m am gandit sa le impartasesc si aici, dupa ce am vazut postarile voastre. Ca idee, cam asa merg lucrurile pt mine de vreun an si jumatate, insa cumva tind sa cred ca problema este SI LA MINE din cauza nr. redus de ore. Este drept ca de foarte mult timp se simte o scadere majora de traffic pe SM, in principiu de cand au renuntat la pornhub collab. Oricum pt toate tarile non US, traficul este mult mai slab.Dupa ce este impartit intre modele State, AUS, Canada, Uk, restul se varsa catre modele din EstEu si Columbia si Africa. Aproximativ in aceasta ordine. Sunt pe un forum din afara si toate modele se plang, chiar si cele din State, insa cel mai des se gasesc threaduri deschise de modele NonUS.
Eu cumva, chiar si fiind situatia data, nu cred ca asta tine exclusiv de SM, ci si de model. Ori si au schimbat algoritmul. Inainte eu am observat ca pt trafic si pozitionare in pagina algoritmul lor lua in calcul in primul rand average per hour ,apoi ore online, streaming quality, ratings reviews following. Aproximativ in aceasta ordine. La cum se vad lucrurile acum, am senzatia ca ceva s a modificat in algoritm , pt ca nu vad altfel cum este posibil de la trafic decent sa ajungi la aproape inexistent.
Eu personal in incercarea de a compensa, mi am deschis alte conturi pe Skyprivate si AW. Deocamdata nu merg foarte bine, pt ca am refuzat sa am rate/min mai jos de 3$/£ chiar daca procentul lor e de 60-80% din pretul platit de membru. Iar asta inseamna RABDARE pt a construi un fanbase.
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Leeacams (27 Mai 2024, 14:16)
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Membru din: 20 Apr 2013, 09:05
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Totodata vroiam sa spun ca zilele trecute un model din US a postat un screenshot pt toate incasarile din ianuarie si pana azi si erau in jur de 35k. Spunea ea ca a inceput sa lucreze full time, insa a luat o luna offline si a facut 2vacante in tot acest timp. Tot ea Spunea ca intr o luna din aceste 5 scurse,a facut 18k pe SM. A avut o sapt de contest unde a facut aproape 10k plus bonus vreo 1500 pe contest.

Ceea ce vroiam sa adaug, si este foarte important este ca acest full time de care vb ea, nu este chiar fulltime. In sensul in care avea vreo 356h online sau ceva de genul. Stiu ca am facut o medie si reveneau cam 15h/sapt 😳
Nu o spun cu rautate, o admir chiar ! Doar ca ma face sa mi pun intrebari asupra algoritmului SM, si ce factori se mai iau in considerare pt a nu sta cu o camera goala. Si daca se gandeste cineva ca cine stie ce bombshell e tipa, chiar nu e cazul. E in her 30s si are un girl nextdoor vibe. Totul tine de personalitate si ceea ce faci pe camera. Ma regasesc mult in felul ei de a fi iar cand faceam 6-7k la luna cu aprox 100h nu eram vreun bombshell cum nici azi nu sunt. 😂😂 Anyways, ceea ce vroiam sa spun, e faptul ca la intrebarea cam cati membrii strangi in camera cand esti live a spus ca undeva intre 40-50 membrii platitori.😳 I mean...what ? Mie mi s a intamplat asta doar daca am facut vreun Goldshow, si nici atunci! Deci daca ai in medie constant in camera nu 50, ci 10 platitori, e imposibil ca in decursul a catorva min sa nu fii din nou pvt.
Ca idee, cel mai lung shift al ei a fost de 24h, rate per minute 10$exclusive si 14$pvt ( pt a atrage mai mult exclusive), niciodata GS.

As ruga un responsabil SM pe RO, sa ne indrume si pe noi, si sa ne spuna ce mai conteaza acum pt SM, pt ca modelelor din RO sa li se mai dea un minim de trafic pe care cu siguranta as indrazni sa spun, ca il monetizeaza mai mult de cat multe fete din US.
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